graphql3 Error: Could not find argument ** for type User Error: Could not find argument ** for type User await prisma.updateUser({ where: {} ** // 2020. 3. 24. 'likeCount' Expected non-null value, found null. Error: Variable '$data' expected value of type 'PostCreateInput!' but got: {"caption":"슈퍼히어로의 등장","title":"고양이가 세상을 구한다","user":{"connect":{"id":"ck7bq44ja000q0798887nbw2c"}}}. Reason: 'likeCount' Expected non-null value, found null. (line 1, column 11): 해결> datamodel.prisma type Post { likeCount 삭제 } 2020. 3. 15. GraphQL | Field 'email' is not defined in the input type 'UserWhereUniqueInput'. error> { Error: Variable '$where' expected value of type 'UserWhereUniqueInput!' but got: {"email":""}. Reason: 'email' Field 'email' is not defined in the input type 'UserWhereUniqueInput'. (line 1, column 36): mutation ($data: UserUpdateInput!, $where: UserWhereUniqueInput!) solution> datamodel.prisma > userName: String! @unique email: String! @unique @unique 를 추가함. 2020. 2. 1. 이전 1 다음